Something seems fishy...

Hey Everyone!

This week has been quite the week for Team Kitchen Sink! We've been prepping for the end of semester so that means working on our final boss level and also... FISH! I'll let the other team members explain, starting with Triton!

Hello friends, it's Triton! This week I haven’t done too much since other assignments are starting to catch up but I did do some stuff. This week’s work, I modelled the fishes and textured only one of them, continued working on level design for the boss and I started modelling the buoy for our game for decoration. I will hopefully finish all these off by the weekend so I can start working on my assignments due next week but yeah hope everyone is doing well and I cant wait to show off our game soon! Anyways that’s all from me folks ill see y'all later!

That's awesome Triton! Keen to see the fish in action :D and now we will hear from Luke and what he has been up to this week.

Hello again dear readers! Yet another week has passed working on Powersink and I would be lying if I didn't say this one was stressful. A few reminders for due assignments popping up and the prospect of yet again tackling making fish props has definitely caused some stress to say the least but I have a good news! The fish are done, and they are beautiful! That in addition to implementing a new level has been the bulk of the work on Powersink from me this week. Hopefully this little video is a good look at the awesome looking fish! Anyways, thanks again for reading and see ya next week!

Wow those fish look awesome Luke! Keen to see them in the game. And now onto me, Tash!

Well this week has been chaotic for me because of other unit's assignments but I've been working on a lot of the PR material for Powersink, such as our press kit and some other things for the mock up steam page which are coming along nicely and also writing this blog as per usual. Like I said before, this week has been chaotic outside of this unit so I haven't been able to get as much as I'd like done but oh well there's always next week :)

Anyways that is what Team Kitchen Sink has been up to in relation to Powersink! We're getting down to the crunch time now when the tidal wave of assignments hits so hopefully we can keep up with everything and keep developing Powersink to the best of our abilities. :D

Thanks for reading this blog! If you want to know more about what we're doing, there are other blogs on our page that you can read to see the progress from the start of the blogs to now! :D

Anyways that's all from us for this week! Check back in next week for more updates :)

Team Kitchen Sink


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