One Week Remaining...

Hello, hello, hello!

What a week we've had, so much planning and prepping because next week is... you guessed it... Perth Game Festival!! :D

We are SUPER excited and pumped to showcase the work we've been doing throughout the year and to get some valuable experience being a part of the game development community here in Perth!

This week, as mentioned before, has been quite the busy week with some of the team just finishing off a few things and others finalising things for the festival. 

Let's here what some of the members from Kitchen Sink have been up to this week, starting off with Luke!

Hello hello! It’s been another glorious week of game dev and I have to say I’m so glad it’s wrapping up. This week I’ve finally finished the Diver Rig, with full IK/FK switching and foot rolling magic to boot. To christen the rig I decided to make a little idle animation and get our fancy new diver into the game. I haven’t been able to work on much else this past week so hopefully some snapshots of a newly imported diver and finalised rig is enough of a teaser for what is to come next week when we show our hard work off at the Perth Games Festival!


Wow Luke! I can tell you all now that the idle animation for our diver is just amazing, you'll have to come to PGF to see it in the flesh!

And now we will hear from Triton and what he's been up to this week :)

Hello friends! This week I haven’t done too much due to assessments, but I’ve finally finished them so yay! For this weeks work I did the torpedo explosion particles and started working on the dust trail particles for our player when he walks. Over the weekend or so I’ll probably start finishing them off and then start working on improving our walk animation for our diver. Anyways PGF is coming up so yeah I'll see y'all then and can't wait to talk to y'all!

Those particle effects are gonna look sick! Keen for everyone to see them at the festival :) And now we will be hearing from Zhara and some stuff she's been working on in the lead up to PGF...

Hey hey people - this week I’ve been organising things for the raffle that’s going to take place for PGF (including budgeting and sorting out booth stuff etc) I've also been making mock ups for the survey that will be printed and handed out to people that have played our game on the day, which feels very surreal and very exciting. If you’re going to attend Perth Games Festival, then why not swing by our booth and play our game? You’ll be able to enter a raffle for sweet items like 3D printed models of some of the items in Powersink AND you get a lolly and eternal love from everyone behind power sink :o)

Thanks Zhara! She's right, you'll not only go in the draw to win a cool 3D model BUT you'll also be encouraging and supporting us on our little game development journey with Powersink!

And finally, you'll get to hear from me, Tash :)

So this week was a little bit hectic, had lots to plan for PGF and our booth, I've also had other unit assignment deadlines creeping up on me, and also writing this blog. Even though it's been a little bit stressful I'm really excited about the festival. PGF is next weekend (the 11th of September), it's kind of taken me by surprise how close it actually is (I don't know about you but deadlines always seem to creep up on me!) 

I'm looking forward to seeing the other games and people's reactions to our game that we've worked really hard on. My favourite part about our game is the diver, I think he really adds a great personality to Powersink and has a really cute design. Anyways keen to see you all at PGF next Saturday!

Well there you have it! You now know what the members of Kitchen Sink have been doing this week in furthering the production of Powersink! :D

We are all super pumped and excited to share what we have with you all next Saturday. If you're on the fence about whether to come or not... COME ALONG! It will be a great day filled with game dev chat, laughs, playtesting, and fun! We'd love to meet you and chat more about Powersink and our love for what we do!

Here's the link to the Facebook event if you want some more information like location, times, or anything you need info on! (

Thankyou so much to you reading this blog! Your support means a lot to the whole team here working on Powersink.

We love you all so very much and we are excited to show you what we've been so hard at work on this year next Saturday!

Thanks guys, much love! 

Team Kitchen Sink

(p.s. if you can't make PGF for any reason and still want to see what it was like, our booth, other's booths, the vibes, etc. The next blog posted will be the Sunday after PGF and will be a complete photo dump of the festival so stay tuned for that!)

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